Discovering Best Folk Songs : Songs Born from the Rhythm of Rural Life
Folk songs hold their own importance, deeply rooted in the culture and connected to the soil of every country. The ambience and climate of any region is responsible for folk music. The people who sing such songs are not professional singers. They create such songs out of inner happiness and living their daily lives. Most of such songs are born out of hard labour. A farmer working in his field, a mother while working on a traditional flour mill, a group of people singing while grape picking. Their abstract humming and rhyming give birth to such unique songs or in fact What is native to your heart and soul is folk song culture. The sound of tractor, traditional grinding machine sound, the sound of hammering iron by the blacksmith sometimes acts as an instrument and create Best Folk Songs.
These songs are not prewritten and practiced; they are invented in the real time works of village folks. The people who create and sing such songs are called folk singers. In ancient times such artists would get gifts in return for their singing. The gift would be in the form of a piece of jewellery, gold coins, piece of land and various other gifts.
Kashmiri Folk Songs
The heaven on mother earth, Kashmiri folk songs are incomplete without Rabab (an instrument invented in Afghanistan, Kashmiris welcomed Rabab centuries back). The other instrument is a santoor (string instrument). These two play an important role in all Kashmiri music. Kashmir’s folk music is incomplete without their different dances. Rauf dance (welcoming dance of the spring season), Jagran dance is an important folk dance of the Jammu region, mostly performed in wedding ceremonies.
The next is Kud dance. People staying in the mountain region used to do kud dance before monsoon. It is a form of praying to the almighty to safeguard life and agriculture. Hikkat dance is performed on religious and marriage occasions. This is a form of dance where only artists use their vocals without any instruments. Baccha Nagma, mostly used to perform at social gatherings and during harvest season. Next is Bhand Jashan dance or imitation dance. A group of 10-15 artists perform this dance.
Dhumal dance is a devotional dance performed by the wattle tribe of Kashmir on special occasions. The Dhamali dance of Kashmir also performs on special occasions like pilgrims going to the Ziarat Shrine. Bhand pather is a form of theatre dance depicting the evil of the society.
Russian Folk Music
Russian piece of folk music (Slavic) is inspiring, uplifting and beautiful. With the music the historical and cultural foundation of Russia is so rich and fascinating. In ancient Russia, verbal and musical creation has been a way to pass on to the generation next. Forcing to think about the far past, present and the future times, the folk music of Russia is one of the great treasures of planet earth.
German Folk Songs
A state of southwest Germany bordering France and Switzerland, Baden Wurttemberg is a soil of evergreen people with extraordinary scenic beauty. Blessed by nature, this place has a unique sound of music. This music is played in big festivals and occasions. The folk songs of Germany always cheer you up, thanks to the people of Germany, its culture and blessed nature.
Nepal’s Folk Songs
The country of beauty and peace, Nepal is located on the eastern side of mother earth. The land where Lord Buddha was born and where music is like chashni (sugar syrup). The people of Nepal are beautiful, honest and hardworking, their rich culture taught them how to remain respectful and loyal. Nepal is a heavenly and cultured place with an old civilization. Nepal’s folk songs are songs of mountain and river
Japan Folk Songs
The land of the sun rising, Japanese folk music consists of more vocals and less instruments. Their songs are similar to the people living in mountain areas across Asia. Japan with its rich heritage and culture is the biggest example of how to love your country and the fellow people!
Italy Folk Songs
Italy’s folk songs depicting its resistance towards their history. The rich museums, Architecture, food and music, beauty everywhere, Italy folk songs ignite the passion to remain united in difficult times. The beautiful language and melody in the songs makes Italy folk music endearing to all who do not even understand the language.
Spanish Folk Songs
The folk songs of Spain are all from different regions of Andalusia (south Spain), The folk music of Spain is completely different within Spain. Flamenco in the south, Celtic in the north west, jotas from Aragon and Basque. The guitar plays an important role in Spanish music.
Switzerland Folk Music
When you listen, Swiss folk music, it brings so much peace and joy. Beautiful nature and lovely people bless the country.
Type of Swiss folk music includes alphorn, yodelling and landler music.
Researchers made the most impressive contributions to folk tunes in the 18th and 19th centuries. The most iconic instruments used in swiss folk music were, the buchel, accordion and hexenscheit.
Cuban Folk Songs
Folk songs from Cuba are combination uplifting and heart touching music. Folk music of Cuba is a combination of African and Spanish music methods.Tumbadora from the 1940s, timbales. Cuban instruments like the guiro and cencerro are widely used in Cuban folk music.
New Zealand Folk Music
Maori music defines New Zealand folk music with pride and valour. Maori culture is beautiful and powerful. The people of Maori were warriors and fought bravely as any in history. Maori music consists of dances and chants. The shouting sound in the Maoris songs fills one with courage and commitment to accomplish something in life. Maori music comprises waita (literally songs) and haka (war dances). Haka, Oro, Waita and Patere includes the Maori form of music.
Folk music, be it of any region, any country help people to stay happy and united. It is the reason to inspire and to understand the connection with our motherland and its heritage.