City Lights

In films from around the world, there are certain scenes that leave a profound impact on our lives. Behind any great scene, the importance of good dialogue, strong acting, effective situations, background music, and excellent direction cannot be overstated. Some films are remembered solely for their memorable scenes. In this write-up, we will explore some of the best movie scenes worldwide.

City Lights ( English film)

The Climax Scene

Charlie Chaplin

Virginia Cherrill


Charlie Chaplin does not need any introduction. His talkie movies are as good as his silent movies and city lights is one of them. Ah! City lights is a story about a tramp (The Character played by Charlie in most of his movies) who fall in love with a blind girl and eventually gathered money in a do or die situation for this girl’s eye treatment. City lights create a powerful impact in the mind with lots of surprised human emotions. Creating humor out of nowhere is what Chaplin’s specialty. The movie is a 2-hour silent drama with a fantastic background music composed by Mr. Charles Chaplin. No doubt all scenes of city lights are extraordinary and pure magic. But the climax scene is the real Showstopper .” Hail to the legend. ” it will make you cry, no matter how tough you are. What an intense scene !

After completing the jail term , Charlie comes on the same street where he first saw the blind girl. Hungry, clothes torn and bullied by the local children , he saw his lady love from the front glass door of the shop. There she is, blooming, happy and seeing the beautiful world. “I’ve made the conquest “that look on Charlie’s face. An expression of selfless love and immense satisfaction. He does not reveal his true self to the girl whom he helped. In the next scene the girl dramatically touched his hand and come to know , Charlie’s is the same guy who stood strong in her tough times/If you have a sensitive, loving and caring heart and mind, we highly recommend this movie and this particular scene will remain top of the Best Movie Scenes across the world cinema.

Half ticket ( Hindi Movie)


The marriage proposal scene

Kishor Kumar


Best Movie Scenes Worldwide

Kishore Kumar, powerhouse and a multitalented soul. His contribution to Indian cinema is immense and immortal. Actor, Singer, Composer, Director Kishore Kumar was famous for his versatility and a unique comedy style. One of his hits “Half ticket” is a feather in his entire film journey. An out an out KK ‘ s comedy. This movie justifies the phrase “laughter is the best medicine. In this movie he played the character of happy go lucky careless guy who travels to Mumbai with a half ticket.

One such scene is unforgettable and makes you gaggle for sure and thus qualifies in the best movie scenes worldwide section. Kishore Kumar’s father wanted him to marry his friend’s daughter. His friend came to see Kishore Kumar before finalizing the marriage. (Ha-ha, normally in India, the guy and his family goes to see the girl before marriage) What follows afterwards is an unbearable laughter riot. Kishore Kumar did not want to marry, and to avoid, he posed himself as a mental and immature guy in front of the daughter’s father. This scene is simply hilarious and remains in the memory for long.

The classic ( Korean movie)

The umbrella scene

Jo In Sung

Son Ye-jin

Best Movie Scenes Worldwide

Love comes back. They loved each other, but circumstances keep them apart. Their true devotion to each other brings their children together. If we are in love, we shouldn’t worry about the outcome Sometimes love is complete in incompleteness, also, the scenes of the movie are brilliantly done and create lasting impressions in the mind of the viewers. The umbrella scene is my favorite and picturized beautifully. The expressions and innocence of both the actors have been captured immaculately. It was raining heavily, when she runs towards the tree located in the college campus to take cover. Under the tree, she saw him, coming in her direction. She turned her back and stood in the opposite direction.

He : Where are you going?

She: In the library

He: it’s far, you will get wet

She: No, it’s not far, I can go

He: listen to me , this rain doesn’t seem to stop.

She: No, I can reach there by taking shelter in each building on the way.

He: than I will take you there with my special umbrella.

His umbrella is nothing but the coat , under which they both run building by building to reach the library. The intriguing background song uplifts the moment and add life to the scene. Just watch this scene, you will watch the entire movie. Love story of two generations explained in simple and touching manner.

Remember Sunday ( English film)

Gus pleading to Doctor scene

Zachary Levi

Alexis Bledel


Alexis Bledel

Gus suffers from short term memory loss. Every time he gets up in the morning, he forgets what happened the previous day. Every single day is an adventure to him. Molly, a lonely waitress work at the local coffee house, struggling with her life falls for Gus, working at a jewelry shop. Thereafter things take twists and turns. Gus, wanted to tell her about the illness, but situation was not favorable to him. After lots of misunderstandings , Sara comes to know the truth. What happens next is a treat to watch. Simple story telling with some amazing performances. On the whole all scenes are well executed and shot. But this particular scene where Gus begs the doctor to help to get his mind back. The scene is heart-breaking, when Gus says, ” Doctor, please fix me up.” This love story is a poignant portrayal of human emotions.

A must watch movie to remember, “Remember Sunday”.

The Edge (English Film )

Killing the bear scene

Anthony Hopkins

Alec Baldwin


Best Movie Scenes Worldwide

Wisdom and knowledge can save your life. It is evident in this movie where one bear, hunt for these three characters who lost their way in the valley of the rocky mountains. The scene actually is a climax scene where Anthony Hopkins, built a spear out of a wooden branch to kill this wild bear. His entire knowledge and readings come to save the situation. This scene depicts true essence of courage and determination. Despite his old age, he managed to save his teammate, who is younger than him. The entire movie is about love, betrayal, and kindness, where in the end, kindness wins!





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