Eric Burton

Eric Burton started his career as a busker. As a busker Eric’s did several street performances and never ever thought that one day his album black pumas would be nominated for the Grammy awards. The music in Eric is hereditary, his family belongs to theatre and dancing. The thing called music shook hands with him at a very early age.

Raised by his musician and artist uncle, Eric got inspiration from him, who has an unorthodox way of creating music. Eric was in Texas, when he participated in American idol. With 15 dollars in his pocket and a decent performance in American idol. Though eliminated from American Idol, Eric was motivated to do big in the music industry.

Eric first performed at a choir in a local church when he was 9. According to Eric, singing in coir makes you understand the music more closely, because when you sing in a group, you know the meaning of harmony more clearly. When you sing in place of worship, you already get blessings of so many forces and the energies there shower their positivity which helps you in the journey of your life.

Eric’s first professional album was released with producer/ guitarist Adrian Quesada who met Eric through mutual acquaintance. He was looking to collaborate with someone for a project. One of Adrian’s mutual friends told him to listen to Eric’s voice. Adrian loved Eric’s voice and then they went on creating tunes and kept on collaborating and hence” Black Puma“ the band was born. The group received its first Grammy Award nomination in the year 2020 for Best New Artist at the 62nd Grammy awards.

Eric’s is a true live performer. Watching him perform live is truly sublime. It’s a challenge for a true artist, because in a recording studio, vocalists are usually well rested and during love vocals you do not get much rest, plus the aggressive tour schedule puts the entire band on toes and specially the vocalist has been singing their guts out for an hour or two. Busking probably helps in professional live performances, simply because you know how to set your tempo in front of the huge audience and you are ready well prepared to accept accolades as well as dislikes.

Eric’s voice is smooth, unique and truly meant for live performances. Not many singers can sing and stay consistent with their voice. Blessed by the music and elevated energy, Eric’s has the capabilities to make it big.

When Eric sings it creates the atmosphere of perfection. The guitar has great hooks, there are tight rhythm sections, the chorus are in harmony. Everything right from the voice to the rhythm gets precision.

While singing, Erics try to sing on c4 sharp and sometimes do yodels in between. He manages to take it high without losing the breath and in proper control of the air muscle and vowel. Eric looks relaxed while chasing the high pitches, his jaws are not tense and his body language does not anticipate for the next lines.

The colors song was written by Eric himself when he was in New Mexico sitting on uncle’s rooftop. Colors were inspired by nature and brings greater sense of unity.









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