How Students Can Manage Screen Time While Enjoying Movies and Web Series

how to reduce screen time as a student


The Cognitive Burden of Excess Information

Today, we are completely dependent on smartphones. In an instant, we get updates about what is happening across the globe. We are watching what we want to see, but we are also seeing things we probably shouldn’t. Anger is rising as we express our opinions where they aren’t needed. Additionally, we are reviewing things and even passing judgments. Outrage is directed toward people and events we don’t fully understand. Without realizing it, we have transformed from casual scrollers to relentless trollers. We are happy, laughing too, but in the current situation, our anxiety has increased. Deprived of good sleep, we have become slaves to our smartphones. For most of the young generation especially student, doesn’t know, how to reduce screen time as a student! their screen time has increased dramatically, yet neither they nor their parents are fully aware of it.

The Rise of Touchscreen Technology

Before the era of mobile phones, we had telephones on the table and televisions in the house. The human mind is so inventive that every month we started making new discoveries. About 40 years ago, we thought, why not create a phone that we could carry in our hands and take with us wherever we go? This idea led to the invention of keypad phones. A few years later, we realized we also wanted entertainment on our phones, leading to the birth of touchscreen phones.

In this write-up, we will explore ways to smartly reduce our screen time. Technology has its benefits, but it also has its drawbacks. If we want to optimize our mobile screen time, we need to pay close attention to certain things. Whether you are a sister, brother, daughter, son, or friend, this article will definitely help you. Our aim is to ensure that as many young people, especially students and parents should benefit from this article.

How to Reduce Screen Time as a Student:

Student life is precious. If you are a student attending school or college, make these days so special that you can cherish their wonderful memories for the rest of your life. Mobile phones are extremely helpful for accessing study materials, but you need to learn how to use your smartphone wisely, especially when it comes to entertainment content. Reels, shorts, You tube videos, and similar short-form content significantly increase your screen time. So, let’s explore how we can reduce our screen time without completely avoiding all apps.

How to Reduce Screen Time as a Student While Watching Web Series

If there’s a web series that you find binge-worthy, instead of watching it all at once, limit yourself to just 30 minutes daily. Initially, this may be very challenging, but if you stick to this routine, you’ll notice that your time, as well as your mental and physical energy, won’t be overly drained. If you struggle with this, don’t get discouraged and try again.


How to Reduce Screen Time as a Student While Watching Movies

Apply the same approach when watching movies. If you watch a 2-hour, 24-minute movie in 25-minute episode format, it will help reduce your screen time. This will also allow you more time for studying. If you make an effort, you can turn this into a habit.

How to Reduce Screen Time on Your Phone

If apps like social media, movie apps, or video content apps are displayed on the first page of your home screen, move them to the last page or even into a secure folder. Place your study-related apps on the front of your home screen.

Try to minimize the use of social media apps. These apps are some of the most frequently used worldwide. Stick to using just one app so that you can concentrate better.

How do I reduce screen time under Digital Wellbeing on Android and Apple phone

Students can check which apps they use the most. Go to your phone’s settings, click on the digital well-being option, and identify the apps you consume the most. Then, set a timer for that app. Once the set time is up, the app will automatically shut off. Even a small change can lead to a noticeable improvement, and over time, this change can turn into a habit.

Phone Locker Device

If you struggle with a strong addiction, consider purchasing a phone locker from the market. This is a small box where you place your phone and lock it, setting a timer. Until the timer expires, the locker will not open. You can operate it for urgent calls, but otherwise, it keeps your phone inaccessible.

No-Phone Day Challenge

Movies and web series that are binge-worthy tend to increase your screen time the most. So, choose one day in the week where you completely refrain from using your phone. Spend that day outdoors, go cycling, connect with nature, or do activities that bring you peace. Gradually, increase this to two days a week without using your phone. Use a basic keypad phone for any urgent calls.

How to Bing-Watch Movies and TV shows without harming your health

Are you addicted to binge-watching? You might feel the urge to go to bed early, but instead, you find yourself watching movies or web series until 2 or 3 a.m. This is dangerous for your mind and eyes and may unknowingly lead to insomnia, leaving you low on energy the entire day. While binge-watching, pause every half hour, step away from your phone or TV, and walk into another room or change directions. Splash water on your eyes to give them some rest. This method might not be completely effective, but it will have some positive impact, making you feel less strain.



How to Convert Your Smartphone into a Dumb Phone

How to convert your excess entertainment zone into a simplified one? You can use your phone mindfully by leveraging apps from the Google Play Store that help you digitally detox from excessive entertainment content consumption. These apps can give your phone screen a minimalist look and allow you to keep only selective apps on your home screen. Apple users can achieve this by organizing their apps in the app library.

Entertainment content is valuable, but if it starts to negatively affect your health and personal development, what’s the point? Information is good, but constant bombardment can become toxic. Remember, 40 years ago, you used to watch movies or TV programs with your parents or friends. Back then, there were fewer channels, and you eagerly waited for the release of new movies – it was a different kind of joy. In current times, We need to help each other, or else we’ll face a collective decline in brain health. We often take our brain’s well-being lightly. If we have a fever, we take a paracetamol and get back on our feet. But if our brain starts to falter, it could lead to prolonged periods of suffering and keep us under constant neuro care observation.

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