copyright and fair use



As a content creator it is of utmost need to create copyright free content. Unique content whether it’s a movie, video, documentary or a song protected with copyright laws. One must respect the work of the original content creator. Copying someone else’s work is not a good idea. There are ways to reuse copyrighted content.

This article will show us how to reuse a copyright protected content.

Why is there a copyright tag under a video or a website?

Copyright tags are used to safeguard the creative right of the creator of a website or a video. It allows the content creator to publish , distribute and reproduce their content publicly.

Importance of copyright

When you see a tag of copyright, it’s a clear indication that without the permission of the content creator nobody can use or reproduce. It is a symbol of creator intellectual property and ensures that they get the appropriate recognition for their created content.

Repercussion of using a copyright protected content from a website or a video

Depending on the situations you can face various criminal and civil penalties including punishment in jail and fines for using someone else’s creative content. You might also be responsible for cost incurs on cost fees, attorney’s fees, large sum of compensation for the holder of the content. Also, you would be ordered to remove the copied content from your website , video or source of creation and not to use the copied content anywhere in the future. It is better to take permission from the user.

How to safely use copyright protected content from a video, song and article?

If you want to use copyright protected content , there are two ways to use it. First take permission from the source of the creation to use creative common license use and second by way of signing exclusive license agreement

Usage of creative common license to reuse the content

If the content creator uses a creative common license, then he might have set special conditions on reusing the content by someone else. Reattribution and usage for commercial purpose conditions are the most common forms mentioned under the content of the creator.

Use of exclusive license agreement to reuse the copyright protected content

1. The licensee must take permission from the copyright owner of the content

2. The licensee must give credit to the original creator of the content when using it.

3. The licensee will not get permission to modify the original content.

4. The licensee must ensure the original copyright holder right should not contravene in any manner.

5. Care should be taken by the licensee that the original copyrighted content must not be sold, spread or given away to any other interested parties.

6. The terms of payment must be specified clearly like any beforehand fees, royalty payment dues to the owner.

7. The license must clearly specify the duration and restriction of usage if any.

8. Without the permission from the owner the licensee shall not use the content for commercial purpose

9. The use of content by the licensee should be free from any unethical and illegal purpose

10.The licensee shall not use the copyrighted content as expressive creation.

Term of copyright protected law

The duration for copyright protection is the life of the author plus at least 50 years after their demise. For some areas the minimum duration is shorter. For example, for applied art the period is 25 years. Movies have a minimum period of 50 years. Most countries have opted for a longer term of protection, as permitted according to the countries copyright law.

However, there are some countries where copyright protection law is yet to be introduced. They are : Somalia, Sao Tome, Kiribati and Principe, Tuvalu, Nauru and Vanuatu.

There are fair ways to recreate the content. Only thing, some people twist the plot and create the desired content on their own name. This seems to be a viable option for the people who create others’ content after modifying and in a derivative form. It works sometimes, but in the long run creativity suffers and new ideas are not born. Hence the copy and paste work is gaining momentum in today’s arena.

Hope this gives our reader an idea on how to use others content under fair use of content rules. Please share your views on the post.

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