how to market your music online

Marketing your music is tedious task these days. Music is a content that needs perfection and zero error processes. It is not easy to market your music even if it is a quality content. Having said that, it is not always true, if your content is good, then there is a market for it. How efficiently you tab that market is all what is needed.

 Success in the music industry is based on how much audiences you manage to gain. Music industry is associated with technology which is changing at a rapid pace. For a marketer of music, it is essential to keep updated knowledge of the peripheral technologies.

Release Date

Every artist knows this, Friday is the best day to release your song, because on the weekends people are in the mood to enjoy the weekends. This is the right time to engage more audience worldwide. Keep your creatives ready a day before i.e., on Thursday. Be clear in your communication and do not change the release date after announcement.


Google is the best medium to promote your content. If you have a website and understand how to address your niche then within six month or a year hard work and produce fruitful results for you. Engage your audience with the desire content you want to promote and build an organic traffic. Follow google policies honestly and get higher returns. A website can work as a place of selling, promoting, communication and distribution.


The organic traffic and reach on Twitter are incredible. If you tweet anything pointing to any hashtag, within seconds you received impressions on your tweet. The users on twitter are both available in quality and quantity.  You must decide whom you want to follow or target according to your niche. Posting your music and sharing the links on twitter is trending thing.

Creating Hashtag of you niche can bring huge amount of people together who are searching a particular topic on twitter. For instance, if you create #hiphoprocks, this will bring together all the people who are following hip hop music and chances are likely that they get acquaint with your work.

Post stories before sharing the link, this will give teaser kind of feeling before the release of your work. Twitter also acts as a paid promotion tool. The policies on twitter are strict and it allow only one person one account on one device.


You tube is the strongest medium where you can publish your unique content and get viral across the world. Do not go against the you tube policies and guidelines. You tube gives you a good platform to share your work through links. The recent YouTube Short videos is also a good platform to promote your content. Creating a You Tube channel with right niche is very convenient and fast. You have to promote your channel all by yourself. Sharing Links of your channel on various digital platforms, on your visiting card etc.


Search free music promo on Instagram. You will get many results. There are lot of free music promotion Instagram pages that will promote your music absolutely for free. Send DM, your work and follow them. Some of them require you to shout them out for their profile on your page. As long as you do all that they will promote you.

Spot on Spotify

If you get the right content, Spotify is there to push you out to a larger audience base. Spotify uploads more than 35000 tracks daily. Imagine the traffic you can get on spotify. Clean up your profile and keep it regularly up to date using their Spotify for artists portal.

Put up a few current presentable pictures that are high-resolution, that look good. Update your bio with something compelling that would make people want to listen to more of your music. Link your social media profile, your recent single or playlist in the artist pick field and regularly update your user playlist.

One of the important jobs is to understand how release strategy works on Spotify. If you have a few songs that are ready for release you can put one out every six to eight weeks and you could really take advantage of the Spotify algorithm.

One of the biggest challenges faced by artists while promoting their music is competition. The competition on YouTube and Spotify is immense. It is a hard task to stand out in the already populated market. There are three such platforms where you can promote your music with less competition, viz, discord, national radio station and twitch.


If you are looking to share music on Discord, then you have to add bot to discord server. Music box like fred boat, groovy, rhythm and vic syria will serve your purpose. You can even play your Spotify playlist on Discord.


Live streaming service, where you can interact with millions of people. The good thing about Twitch is you can join their partner program with just 50 followers. Find out music category where you discover musician streaming music and building fan base. Twitch is the best place and it allow you build an audience and while doing that you can earn money as well. The most stand out feature of twitch is that it is a dedicated live streaming platform.

National Radio Station

When you don’t have a budget to promote your music. When you have Zero money with zero views, the best thing is to look out to fill in you work in your country national radio station. Radio has a big reach nationally. Most of the time national radio stations have requirement to play music from the citizens of their country under public broadcast radio station. Contact and enquire to your country’s radio station and find out such opportunities because will not give you only free listeners; it may get you a business contract.

Again, it is all depend upon your content. Never violate the content policy of any of these platforms because the mantra to remain in the race is how unique your content is.

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