Innovation In The Entertainment Industry


The world is running at a fast pace. The technology is
evolving every 3 months or may be lesser than that. Film making and music too
evolved at a faster pace. 
While processing and reading this article, there are various innovations taking place without our knowledge which would introduce in the coming future. Innovation and disruption in technology will always
challenge the human mind.
Change is good and creates lots of opportunities. Opportunities that leads to innovation and
technological upgrade. 

The current film viewing experience is enriched with
multiplexes equipped with time to time from 4 track to DTS, Dolby digital and Dolby Atmos sound. The
vision has also developed from normal 2d to 3d and now IMAX 2d , IMAX 3d, MX4d and 
Similarly, the songs recording has evolved progressively.
From a normal music studio recording, terms like Autotuning and computerised
composition is current practises adopted by musicians.
From dynamic mic to condenser mic, giving sound output from
digital to analogue. With the help of
internet one can podcast the desired music file for various usage.
Thanks to technology, that, now you can set up a recording
studio in your home.
Understand one thing for any digital output music,  a computer is required. Both laptop and
desktop with a dual core processor will do the needful. The computer should be
equipped with maximum RAM ( Random accessible memory), Hard Disk, Multiple USB
slots and low noise fan for smooth and peaceful recording.
Next the Digital Audio Recording software is must for a home
recording studio. DAW is used for recording, editing and mixing and mastering
of music. There are various free and paid software for music available in the

In the field of filmmaking, the camera used in the filming is now have a technical advancement with the usage of drones in picturising over the top visuals. Also, the drones now would be available in the smartphones with restricted usage (Only few countries would allow this technology due to the security measures).

Why these things matters ? Its innovation and nothing, that has upgraded from a desktop to a Laptop disrupting and changing the entire meaning of technology as and when require.
With time and necessity,
innovations take place to improve the output and experience of the end
There is no full stop when it comes to innovative
technology. The moment you think this is the best output, in a very short
period of time you get the second innovative alternative. 

I always think the
future of entertainment technology is bright. Because the economics of this
market is such that demand will never cease for the entertainment products. 

Future innovation in entertainment:
Every innovation not only disrupt the existing technologies,
but became a breakthrough and helpful to mankind. It is exciting and amazing to
think what could be the possible future innovative products in the
entertainment industry.

  • So far, we see movies
    in cinema hall with different size of screen. What if, the characters, Yes only characters from the
    movie comes out in audience for a while and go back again inside the screen. If 3d vision is possible, why not the viewers can feel the proximity of the character without 3 dimensions ? and without wearing glasses. what innovative techniques shall it require to do
Of course, it will depend upon a particular scene, where audience
can get their favourite stars talking dialogue next to them for a while.

  • The speed with which digital entertainment are available on
    our phone is a signal of more possibilities that can be explored in this
    segment. Now the viewer is watching movies on the phone with earphones or
    wireless earphones. Imagine the scenario, where user just has to cast the phone
    in the air and laser screen will appear in front of them. Yes, the laser TV
    experience. Though laser technology is already available in the market but
    customizing the screen as per the viewer choice would be a big evolution. To
    elaborate, no matter in whichever posture is you, the laser screen would
    adjust according to your viewing position. For example , you are in  sleeping posture and want to see your
    favourite shows on the ceiling, wall, left, right,  wherever in the air.  It sounds challenging but think, how much it
    will be helpful for students, teachers and the whole education system.
  • Another way could be, movies releasing on smartphones with
    HD projector. It would be good for those who do not wish to go to theatres
    especially most of the senior citizens are unable to watch it in cinema hall. This could
    be a pathbreaking evolution where viewers can watch new movie released on the
    smartphone with HD projector. The projector in the phone could enlarge the
    screen on any desired wall in the home. Same day the movie releases in theatres
    and same day people can watch it on their phone through HD projector.
  • Small Drones in the smartphones as mentioned above would disrupt the big drone’s technology?

It will remain a question mark, because the resolution and performance of the drone output in the smartphones is not known yet.

This technology will be helpful for a short and small size video creators like youtubers. Big screen movie making on the small phone drones’ camera is technically not feasible? This is again a subject of research and analysis.

So far anti-glare screens have been introduced in laptops,
smartphones and projectors. What about big movie screens? The audience  especially sitting in the front row are
always at risk. The frontbencher, risk their eye health, on account of a two
hours entertainment.
  • There should be such innovation where big movie screens
    comes up with eye healthy alternatives, especially the Big IMAX screens. The
    big screen should install anti-glare coatings to the white screen. If big
    anti-glare screens are not possible then there should be anti-glare glasses
    especially designed for big screen entertainment.

The Future of entertainment is of course bright but the consumption and right amount of consumption is at the viewers discretion. The Side effects are many , we have to decide what is good and viable.



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