
Letter to Mr. Howard Shore!


Lord Of The Rings Book

Dear Mr. Howard Shore,

I’m the most popular and celebrated book of the 20th century, The Lord of the rings. The reason I’m here today is to thank some good people, who made it possible to make a movie based on me. New Line Cinema, Peter Jackson, the entire cast and crew of the film and last but not the least, You, Mr. Howard Shore, the music composer of the film. 20 years back, You made me alive on the screen. What an exemplary and impeccable work! You have captured the style and essence of the movie in a majestic way. It’s beyond beautiful. The entire music of the movie, The Lord of The Rings Trilogy is a treat to watch and listen. It is a story in itself, every piece talks to you and makes you visualize the movie. Without the music of the LOTR, watching the movie would be a body without a soul.

The lord of the ring’s soundtrack is extraordinary and pure magic. The music is part of every scene and takes your imagination to another level. It bringscomfort, tears, happiness, fearlessness, courage and a warm feeling of middleearth. With the lord of the ring’s music, Mr. Shore you have done, one of your career’s best works.

The best man who is passionate and humble, Thanks to thestudent in you who is just not composing, but understanding the soul and soilof the movie. Only a true disciple and passionate mind could achieve such a
feat.Every piece of music narrates the story. It’s infectious and only made to inspire. You have nailed it righ Mr. Shore. Sometimes I feel you were a partof the shire in your previous life. I wonder, how a tune can be happy and yet sad at the same time? Howard Shore Thank You for gracing shire and middle earth with your beauty.

The entire score takes one to a journey of human emotions. Your music creates energy and tells every soul, not to give up in any situation. The movie gave me recognition as a book. I reached out to places where people don’t know who I’m?

Thank You Peter Jackson too for your larger-than-life vision. Both of you understand each other very well. If I would put in this way, Mr Jackson, if you are the ring than Mr. Shore along with the cast
and the rest of the crew is the fellowship of the ring.

Your Sincerely,

The Lord Of The Rings book,

Daughter of  J.R.R Tolkien


Lord Of The Rings Wallpaper Hd Image

The journey of the lord of the ring’s music :

The following soundtracks are the soul of the movie:

When the film begins to show any scene, you hear to see chorus singing in harmony the Lothlorien theme. Then follows the ring theme, shire theme and the Fellowship of the Ring theme. Specifically, and technically the following four themes above are called leitmotif. These are operatic techniques popularised by Richard Wagner. The leitmotif literally means short tunes that signify person, place, idea, thing. Why leitmotif used in films? Well, the answer is, it enhances the feel, narration, title and idea of the film. It creates impact in the mind of the viewers that year after year people do not forget the leitmotif associated with the film.

1. Lothlorien’s elf  by Chorus

Bewildering, this piece of music trying to tell the story. A story that is going to be an epic forever, that’s going to change the fate of the middle earth and all living beings. There is a sense of awakening in this tune. A call from the people, for the people and by the people.

Instrument used :

  • Small and Big trumpet 
  • Small and big Violin

2.The ring theme

Strange and unfolding, the ring theme sounds full of secrets that needs to be unlocked. There’s a feeling of insecurity and restlessness when you hear this out, yet soothing and challenging, this tune welcomes you to the land of mysterious circumstances.

Instrument used:

  • Violin

3. The Shire theme


The sound of love, compassion and friendship, The tune of Shire welcomes the sense of togetherness and  commitment for each other. This is the sound of balanced emotions and seasons.

Instrument used:

  • Tin whistle flute, flute
  • Alto flute, BB clarinet
  • Bass clarinet and oboe

4.The fellowship theme


The fellowship theme teaches us to fulfil the commitment towards our community. It tells you to perform in the times of adversities and make you ready to face the worst in life. The sound unifies the integrity and valour amongst the individual and gives strength and courage to challenge the enemies.

Instrument used

  • small and big trumpet
  • violin

5. Bilbo Baggins farewell soundtrack


This particular piece invokes sheer joy and happiness in viewer’s mind. A perfect party song and celebration. In the film one could hear the music with dialogues and fireworks. If you hear it solo, its importance is understood

Instrument used : 

  • trumpet, pipes, flutes, mandolin 
  • comb sound, (  may be incorrect, but it exactly sounds like scratching of a comb )and fiddle.


6. A knife in the dark


When evil comes to you and all that goes in your mind are the chills and thrills and the brooding threat in that cold and breathless night. As the darkness enters on the mountain roof, Frodo and friends trembled in fear. The
music contributes to fear and increase anxiety. Good heavens, Strider’s enters at the right time and saves the night.

Instrument Used with Chorus

  • Small Violin (fiddle ) and Big Violin
  • Small and Big Trumpet (piccolo)
  • Percussion

7. Rider of the Rohan

It is just not the violin used in excellence, but it is an oath, feeling of responsibility towards your people and every being who believes in peace. This tune reflects the mind that has taken decision to fight and contribute towards
mankind. This is the sound of true warriors.

Instrument Used



The above 7 themes define the lord of the ring and are inspiring in many ways and delves the viewer into middle earth.





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