Tips To Become A Good Actor 

Becoming an actor is not easy. Acting is a serious business and needs discipline and character. Following are some important tips which help aspiring actors to make it big on silver screen :
Question yourself
It is not a 9 to 5 job which will fetch you a steady career
and security.** There are 98% of chances that you meet failure. **Are you ready
for it ? Why you want to become an actor? Are you ready to work in odd
schedules? If successful,can you able
to handle and maintain the success?
An acting career is like a test cricket, and not a twenty
twenty cricket match
Impatience does not have any place here. Be ready for
rejections and failure. Be ready to learn and relearn. Accept the fact that
failures are part of this profession. To become successful you need to connect
with good people. Again it is not an easy task to find good people. One must
learn the art of connecting good people.
Reading for inner engineering
The more you read , the more it develops and educates the
actor inside you. Reading is essential for awareness and mental health. It
enlightens your mind and helps in creative process. One good book may bring
change in you, save you from taking any wrong decisions.
Earn your degree
Acting is a profession and requires certain skills. Learn
the syllabus well in a good renowned acting school. Of course acting cannot be
taught, but a certified acting student gets smooth passage and always have chances of getting roles in movies.
Accept yourself 
If you feel you can do lead roles and the casting director
says, “ you are fit for another role, say Hero’s friend or Heroine’s sister. Do
not reject it , think about it and take decisions wisely. Something is better
than nothing. This will only apply, when you are not getting the desired role
of your choice.
Run a self SWOT analysis
Assess your strengths and weaknesses. Work on your skills
more. Lead a discipline life. The training in acting is no lesser than a military
training. Refrain activities which can be a future threat for you. Wait for the
right opportunity and never let it go , when it comes to you.
Wide options available
Remember acting need not have to showcase only on silver
screen.Television and online medium are
equally fruitful to a start a career these days. Embrace it . Keep yourself open for these
Beware of exploiters
Every field has manipulators and exploiters. It’s up to you
how you mold yourself and choose your path.
Draw your line
For a good actor it is essential to follow your heart. Just do
not blindly follow what the trend demands. If something is wrong and you are
not comfortable doing it, never do it.
Drug Addict Actor
Stay away from addiction

Alcohol and smoking can ruin the actor inside you. Seek help and try to quit such addictions. Stay in touch with the right way of living. There are some people who out of jealously try to sabotage your career by doing foul play, trapping you in drug addiction and destroying the actor in you. Practice yoga and spiritualism. Make exercise a daily routine of your lifestyle. Take out one hour of the day to rejuvenate your body and repair your mind. With exercise, eating healthy food is essential. Remember,It is always 70% diet and 30% workout to attain positive health.


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