Busker Animated Art


Ever since the existence of music, artists have explored all possibilities to produce unique sound to their instruments. The more you try, the more are the chances of new innovations. It is evident that no artist has survived without newness in their craft. Because change is good for music. Max, this guy was crazy and passionate about his art. Apart from an excellent hand on drums, he used to bang everything other
than the conventional percussion instruments. Max had bought one car door from the local garage and with a normal drumstick, he used to wrap it with white tape, the one which is used medically. This is to create bass sound on the door. When he used to play it, it was a sight to watch. Simply amazing. Max used to create propulsive rhythmic sound, kind of a swing sound. 
There are endless
possibilities of creating new and different sounds. Reshaping of instruments is one such concept, which is giving new heights to music. Some of the most amazing instruments are: 
  • Cajon


Cajon Instrument


Cajon is simply a wooden box shaped percussion instrument. It is hollow inside thereby providing ample pace for bass sounds. The player uses hands, finger, and different accessories to produce various sound. Conventionally, the arrangement of Cajon is such, it requires the player to be sit on it while playing. Well, I guess, without sitting on it, one can still play the instrument. There is no hard and fast rule for playing of this box shaped instrument.

You can use your palm like giving a high – five to the box to get the surface sound fully i.e., creating the bass sound and using your fingers on the top to get the snare timbre.

  • To produce a rattling sound out of it, put four strings inside the Cajon to help amplify the desire crisp sound.
  • Usage of brush to the Cajon gives you softer and quieter tone to the beat. To get the high-hat sound, simply use the brush and hold it traditionally. Use wiretap wooden brush for the authentic drumstick sound.
  • You can also use anklets (traditional Indian Instrument used in dance form) by tying it on one foot and tambourine on the other. This would give the authentic acoustic drum set sound.

Jhunka Baja 

jhunka baja


One of the rarest instruments, originated in Chhattisgarh, India. One of the rare and extinct instruments used to lure wild animals for hunting.

This was invented out of necessity. Interestingly not used for music but to Lure man eater tigers for hunting. Group of four people used to carry a wooden mat type partition and a smoke device that lure any animal. Playing the Jhunka Baja and the releasing the smoke from the vessel lures the animal. When the animal comes near to the sound gets killed by the hunter.

Similarly, to ward off the tiger, there is another instrument used called Ghumra Baja. Both Jhunka Baja and Ghumra Baja is extinct now. If we analyse it deeply, the instrument has only the specific uses and invented out of necessity. Before finalising it, there were number of other attempts were made to keep the tiger at bay. Most certainly after creating various sound, the particular community got succeeded with Jhunka Baja.


The Bucket Drunner


The Bucket Drummer – GORDO

Yes, the famous bucket drummer, Gordo. Lacklen aka Gordo is a drummer born in Australia. When he was in school. He got his nickname after a famous TV Show, Lizzie McGuire. One day one of his friends said, you look like Lizzie McGuire friend, Gordo. From there and then Lacklen got his new name, Gordo. After finishing his high school, Gordo went to Japan at the age of 19, where whosoever he met found difficult pronouncing the name, Lacklen. Eventually, Gordo was easy for the Japanese to pronounce and from his nickname, Gordo become his first name. Born in a small village of buddo, Australia, Gordo parents were in teaching profession. Youngest of the four siblings, Gordo initially used to play Drum. BUCKET drumming, he started in the later years. One day, he saw one video of Larry right, bucket drummer. Instantaneously he loves it and wanted to try the same. His dad was supportive enough and the very next day he brought some big buckets for his son. Gordo’s father was so much supportive, that he arranged one big place in the backyard of their home with soundproof arrangement, so that his son can practise without disturbing anybody. Gordo knew the lessons of drumming which he taught in his young age, so playing the bucket was not that hard. One fine day , he went out and in front of small street and shops, he started playing the bucket drum. For two hours he played the drums religiously and what he earned was 200 dollars. That was his first earning at the age of 17. After that, every weekend he used to play at the main street of Tokyo and received applaud as well.

Buskers’ reality

There are different regulations and law as per street performances. Some countries allowed busking, and some do not. Some countries do not have the law at all, in such places it is the local law enforcement agencies have their own rules. 

The artist in such places must give cuts from their earned money to uninvited elements. Street art is challenging because there is no sure shot income for the artist. All they must depend upon viewer mercy. Plus, local hoodlums do trouble such artist.

Tips for buskers

  • Choose to play/perform something unique that can attract viewers attention.
  • If you want to do it individually then, take risks and do it. Respect the law of the land.
  • Always take your buddy along, some person whom you can trust.
  • Avoid shady places for busking where chances are too high for any mishap
  • Target places where art is respected. For e.g., one can take permission from the college authority to perform inside or near to college campus.
  • Upload your video on You Tube and you can earn money as per You Tube policy.

Are street artists getting their due properly? Is there a need to protect them by Law? Do they require sponsors? These questions are important and needs to be addressed




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